Forest (symbol picture)

New paper finds decline in Eastern European carbon sink due to land use change

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birch tree

3 billion trees - check out our paper on the EU biodiversity strategy!

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New solutions and tools for achieving nature-centered future

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Walkerssk auf

Modelling Future Land Use in Great Britain

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Finally networking again

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Computer vision to identify recreational activities in social media images

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Our group is growing

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Findings from a decade of citizen-science observations

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Land use change emissions lower than previously estimated

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Vegetation sampling plot at a Bavarian grassland site

Manage grassland more sustainably with UAS sensors and machine learning

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Earth world lightning

Appropriate technology and approach can help Carbon and greenhouse gas research in developing countries

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Crowdsourced photos help identify spatial relationships among cultural, regulating services and biodiversity

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Protecting land area for conservation could have adverse impact on health and food

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Mark becomes coordinating lead author for IPBES assessment

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Farms & meadows

Symposium: Towards global-scale behavioural models of land use change

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Our research about global land use change in the spotlight

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HILDA+ gif

Global land use change is four times greater than estimated

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DAAD PRIME research grant for Reinhard Prestele

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news paper

When science matters

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Europe’s Green Deal offshores environmental damage to other nations

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Max 20 extinctions per year: A new target for biodiversity

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Modelling food security: Bridging the gap between the micro and the macro scale

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A protest image

Agency in Earth System Governance

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Forest fire blaze

Does Climate Change Communication Matter for Individual Engagement with Adaptation?

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Dystopian futures of Europe

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EU’s forestation targets demand dietary rethink

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Communicating climate change risks to forest owners

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Land use change alters river run-off and evatotranspriration across Europe

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Open Science - Change the game: Kick-off of the 4th "Freies Wissen" fellow programme

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Using spatial point process modelling to reveal ecological mechanisms in tropical, subtropical and subalpine forests

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ESA Phi-Week: Using a data cube to assess changes in the Earth system

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Land and Global Warming

Land and food sectors are critical to keep global warming to well below 2ºC

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Bild von Free-Photos auf Pixabay

Paper on 'Ecosystem services community of practice' is published

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More forest and less meat to achieve the Paris agreement

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Eklipse project

Improving uptake of biodiversity-friendly farm subsidies

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Role of global dietary transitions for safeguarding biodiversity

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GGA 2019 Finalists Press Release

OPERAs selected as a finalist of the Green Gown Awards 2019

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Markt Stand Gemüse Vielfalt Farben Auberginen

Transforming agricultural land use through marginal gains in the food system

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Humboldt Foundation's annual meeting: invited speaker Penelope Whitehorn

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IPBES: New webinar and executive summary videos

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Wisconsin Maize Soybeans

Satellites help monitor corn and soybeans growth condition in the US

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GLP-OSM: Six talks, two sessions, one winner!

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Milano, Oslo, London - Satellites, Vertical Farms and Natural Capital

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Tropical forests in the firing line of US-China trade war

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Developing countries lead by example in mainstreaming biodiversity

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US-China trade war paper in the news

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How academics, policymakers and practitioners interpet the Ecosystem Service concept

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Paris climate goals paper in the news

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Paris climate change targets likely to be missed

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Greening paper goes viral

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China and India dominate in greening the Earth

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Why is biodiversity important?

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Do conservation farming practices matter?

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Biodiversity Conference

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Benefits of linking socio‐ecological models

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IPBES regional assessment

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