Yongchao Zeng
Yongchao received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering with a research direction in Complex System Modeling and Simulation from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China. From 2017 to 2018, Yongchao participated in a joint Ph.D. program at the Argonne National Laboratory in the U.S., where he focused on building agent-based models to explore energy technology diffusion dynamics and the impact of environmental policies. Yongchao has a broad interest in Complex System Modeling and uses it as a core methodology that connects multiple interesting subtopics, e.g., complex networks, opinion dynamics, evolutionary game theory, decision theory, optimization algorithms, reinforcement learning, etc.
Currently, Yongchao is working as a modeler in the land use group at IMK-IFU. His work includes collaborative research across the EU Horizon Europe-funded BIONEXT, ForestPaths, and CLIMB-FOREST projects, developing, testing new components of the CRAFTY-Europe model, and exploring pathways that achieve policy goals.
Email: yongchao.zeng@kit.edu