Research Assistant in the nexus between biodiversity, climate, water, food and health (ref: nexus2022)
We are seeking a Research Assistant to undertake an assessment of the interactions among biodiversity, climate, water, food and health (the nexus). You will contribute to the European Commission funded (Horizon Europe) BIONEXT project (The Biodiversity Nexus: Transformative Change for Sustainability), and to the IPBES nexus assessment. The position will be held within the Land Use & Climate Change Research Group of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), located at KIT’s attractive ‘Campus Alpin’ in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Your specific tasks will be to:
1. Support knowledge and science brokerage for IPBES assessments and EU environmental policy, including,
- Analysing the implications of transformative change in the biodiversity nexus for EU environmental policy options,
- Communicate and collaborate with IPBES bodies.
2. Act as a Chapter Scientist within chapter 3 (Future interactions across the nexus) in the IPBES nexus assessment, including,
- Undertaking a review and assessment of the literature on biodiversity nexus scenarios;
- Supporting the assessment authors in writing and editing text and managing bibliographies.
The position will also entail small contributions to teaching and group administration. We offer a multidisciplinary, highly collaborative and friendly team, well connected to national and international research networks and activities. Salary and benefits will be based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service Sector (TV-L EG13 depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements).
The position is available immediately for 2 years initially with the potential for extension beyond this period.
You will have either a Masters or PhD degree in a relevant subject and experience of assessing literature in the environmental sciences. Experience with scenario analysis, environmental policy analysis, statistical analysis, and ecosystem assessment is desirable. You will need to have proficiency in the English language, both spoken and in writing. Willingness to travel to interact with consortia partners is also required. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Mark Rounsevell (mark.rounsevell@kit.edu).
Applications should be sent by email to Sylvia Kratz (sylvia.kratz@kit.edu) by Thursday 31 March 2022, quoting the reference, nexus2022. Applications should be submitted within a single PDF document that includes your CV, publications list, a short (1-2 page) letter of motivation and contact details for 2 referees. The motivation letter should clearly state your relevant experience and how your research interests relate to the job specification provided above. Please also indicate where you heard about this job opportunity. Applications that are incomplete or do not address these criteria will not be considered.
Interviews will be held remotely on Friday 8 April 2022.
KIT strives to achieve gender balance at all levels of employment. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply for this position. With appropriate qualifications, applications from persons with handicaps are treated preferentially.