Our group is growing
Ankita Saxena
Ankita is a Computer Engineering graduate and did her Ph.D in Land use/Land Cover Change and Urban Growth Modelling using Geospatial Techniques and Cellular Automata from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, India, in 2019. She is working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in our group since 01-06-2021. She is working on the integration of agent-based and Cellular Automata modelling techniques for LULC change and urban growth modelling. LULC based scenario modelling for planning and site selection of possible climate change adaptations.
Markus Shiweda
Markus Shiweda started as a PhD in our group since June 2022. His research work focuses on expanding and modelling land use change agent functional types and exploring processes influencing socio-ecological systems in Southern Africa. Using an Agent Based Model (CRAFTY) and an Individual Based Model (RangeShifter), he aims to determine the links between social, ecological and climate change, and long-term implications on nature conservation, Human-Wildlife co-existence, biodiversity and human livelihoods within the world’s largest (+- 444 000 km2) transboundary conservation area known as Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) that covers part of Namibia, Botswana, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Maitreyee Sevekari
Maitreyee started as a PhD in group since February 2022. Her research focusses on modelling institutions and social networks linked to environmental policy making processes and the implications different governance structures may have on environmental policy decisions. She has completed her Masters in Climate Change and Sustainability Studies from TISS Mumbai, India. Her scientific research interests include socio-political impacts of/on land use change, causal modelling and policy analysis.
Elizabeth Noemí Díaz General
Elizabeth is particularly interested in studying the interactions of socio-ecological systems and the consequences of local and global dietary choices on sustainability under global change conditions, through spatially explicit models that incorporate human behaviour, to support decision-making processes and promote sustainable and ethical changes in the society. In our group Elizabeth will work in the BIONEXT project. BIONEXT will develop knowledge, tools, and guidance for mainstreaming biodiversity into policy making and provide concrete options on how to initiate, accelerate and upscale biodiversity relevant transformative change in society.
We are also very sad, to say goodbye to some of our long-term group members. Calum and Penelope moved back to Scotland. While Penelope will dedicate her time fully for the new job, Calum will continue working partly for our group. In any case, thanks Calum and Penelope for your time and contribution in our group. We will miss you ;)